"This good day, it is a gift from you.
The world is turning in its place because you made it to.
I lift my voice to sing a song of praise
For this good day."
Fernando Ortega from the album "Home"

Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome to This Good Day!

Is today a good day for you? It is for me. Oh, it’s not perfect. I would like it to be a little sunnier with no grey skies, maybe a touch warmer. What else—oh yeah, I wish I were a few pounds lighter. What happened to the scales this morning? They jumped up about three pounds! And two days ago I was praising myself for being down two. And then, after I was all showered and dressed, my literacy student called to say she couldn’t make it. Oh well, no problem, I just changed into my warm-ups and went for my 3-mile walk. And I had a great time talking with God.

It’s amazing how much can go on in your head while you’re walking that familiar route. First I talk to God, and then I try to be quiet and let Him talk to me (not easy), but oh, the amazing things he talks to me about. Today he was reminding me of the things he’s taught me over the years—usually the hard way, through pain and lots of it. But it’s amazing what I’ve learned—me, who thought I knew it all as a UCLA graduate. Oh boy, what a lot I had to learn.

One of the reasons for this blog is that all of us can learn from each other, and I hope to impart to whoever cares to listen, some of the things I’ve learned so that a) you won’t feel that you’re the dumbest person who ever lived and b) you’ll know that someone’s been through something before you, and that you WILL come out the other side.

Actually, this blog was my daughter, Jennifer’s idea (about a year ago—we haven’t exactly jumped into this), and we both said, we absolutely must have Tami do this with us. She’s my daughter-in-law and Jiffer’s sister-in-law, and we know she’s the best writer of the bunch. How do we know this? Well, she’s the only one of us who writes. She’s been sharing her personal missives with us and some other close friends for quite awhile now and she always brings me to tears.

So, here we are: Sharon, Jennifer, and Tami, ready to blog for whoever’s out there that might read and be lifted in some way.

But you’ve got to know up front, we three love the Lord, and will be mentioning Him from time to time. Because without Him our lives would just be worthless—honestly. I’ve got to say, the smartest thing I ever did was give Him control of my life. It’s nice to have someone more intelligent than you are in charge. Have you ever made a tree?? Well, I rest my case.
So, welcome to our blog, welcome to our lives. You will find us messy, stupid, happy, sad, frustrated and joyful. Welcome to the real world, cuz that’s where Jesus lives, right down here in the dirt with us.

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
John 1:14

Because of this, we can say “this good day.”


1 comment:

  1. Hey you gals! Great work here.....Can't wait to read the next ones! Kimmy
